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"Finding the Limits of AI for Web Development in 2023"


The project, titled "Finding the Limits of AI for Web Development in 2023," conducted by AI Limits Team 1 from Kennesaw State University, encompasses a comprehensive exploration of artificial intelligence (AI) in the domain of web development.


The study focuses on the year 2023 and primarily employs ChatGPT, an advanced AI model, as the driving force for the development of a fully functional Auction House Website.

Scope Analysis:

Team Contribution

The project team comprises individuals with distinct responsibilities:

  • Jackson Chastine: Leads the group through well developed plans, and also responsible for last look before submissions.

  • Joel Eve: Leads comprehensive research and analysis.

  • Alexandre Garcia: Focuses on backend development, payment processing, and coding efforts.

  • Danish Khan: Takes on the primary coding role, handles AI integration, and collaborates with other team members.

  • Jessica Chavez: Records project milestones and outcomes, contributes to wireframe creation, and ensures accurate project documentation.

Challenges and Lessons Learned

Challenges encountered in the project include dealing with ChatGPT's knowledge limitations, troubleshooting bidding functionalities, and addressing technical challenges.


Valuable lessons include improving code combination processes and implementing a piece-by-piece approach to AI prompting. 

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